
2021年1月16日—NowweneedtomakeasimpleUIdesigntostartandstopthescreenrecording.Hereisthelayoutsourcecodeitisaverysimplelayout.,SeetheScreenCapturesampleapptolearnhowtolearnhowtouseMediaProjectionAPItocaptureadevice'sscreeninrealtimeandshowitonaSurfaceView.,*Copyright(C)2010TheAndroidOpenSourceProject.*...-p:savethefileasapng.-d:specifythedisplayIDtocapture%s...code:%d)-n,result);.}if(fn ...,Impl...


2021年1月16日 — Now we need to make a simple UI design to start and stop the screen recording. Here is the layout source code it is a very simple layout.

Capture video and audio playback

See the ScreenCapture sample app to learn how to learn how to use Media Projection API to capture a device's screen in real time and show it on a SurfaceView.


* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project. * ... -p: save the file as a png. -d: specify the display ID to capture%s ... code: %d)-n, result);. } if (fn ...


Implement screen capture without root on Android 5.0+ by using MediaProjectionManager, VirtualDisplay, AudioRecord, MediaCodec and MediaMuxer APIs ...

How to programmatically take a screenshot on Android?

2010年4月18日 — You can try the following library: Android Screenshot Library (ASL) enables to ...


Implement screen capture without root on Android 5.0+ by using MediaProjectionManager, VirtualDisplay, AudioRecord, MediaCodec and MediaMuxer APIs.


Quickly bring your app to life with less code, using a modern declarative approach to UI, and the simplicity of Kotlin. ... Start by creating your first app. Go ...


– Tested run well on various Android devices. – Source code use Android proguard that protect from decompile app. – Stable source code. – Easily reskin layout ...

/ packages / SystemUI / src / com / android / systemui / screenshot / ... * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project. *.